Saturday, March 22, 2008

Broken - Easter Drama Pictures

Praise GOD for a superb Good Friday service at Glad Tidings PJ yesterday. We had over 2000+ in attendance celebrating Easter and witnessing the broken Easter Drama for the first time.

It was an amazing production, with five key characters in the drama : Eddie, Steph, Ken, Jin & the Pastor, they told a wonderful story of love, greed, betrayl, death and life. In addition, a live- band providing the music, it just added to the intensity in each scene and the story unfolds to tell how life that is broken, but with God will give us hope, an eternal hope!

If you were at broken, I would encourage you to give your fedback/comments here.

Here are some photos (thanks to Daniel & Nick) from the First Night.

Broken - Easter Drama Photos


Steph, Eddie, Jin & Kenneth

Cheers with non-alcoholic wine :)


Eddie and Pastor

moments before the final hour


The Crucifixion scene

For God so loved the World

that He gave his begotten son

whomsoever that believes in Him

shall not perish, but have everlasting life!

[john 3:16]


The battle of angels & demons

Visually impacting !!

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Glad Tidings PJ was packd full as family and friends

came to witness BROKEN

At the end .... the cast & crew of BROKEN 2008

Glory to GOD!!

Check out all the "EXTRAS" of Broken here -

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