Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Making of Indescribable Christmas

We managed to capture some photos during "the making" of Indescribable Christmas Production at Glad Tidings PJ.

We would like to share with you some of the things that's happening behind the scenes so that you will appreciate it more when you come visit this weekend! :)

The Making of Indescribable Christmas

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If you attend GT, you will first of all noticed that the walls on the stage

are no longer WHITE. Its all turned BLACK!! Check out the right-side corner of the stage

stairs, its has now been elevated to the same height as the stage.

Yes .. there are some changes done to the church Maranatha Hall, as we prepare for

Indescribable Christmas this coming Friday & Saturday.


You will notice that the lighting and effects of lightings will be much more

enhanced during this coming weekend, this is to ensure that we are able to potray

an Indescribable God ! :)

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Bergson (guy in pic) and Leroy have been working overtime to set up

the Stage for Indescribable Christmas. They were the ones that put up

the Black Cloth on the walls of the stage to help create the Universe effects.

You also see cables and metal frame bars in the picture above.

They are also installing lights to come down the wall of the stage .. symbolizing the Stars in the Universe. Lots of work have been put in to set up the bulbs one by one. :)

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Check out the Effects by the Lights that we have installed for Indescribable Christmas

Yups ... lots of very very coooool effects will be on display!!

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Ooooooooh.... what's that?

Tell us what u think?

And nope ..they are not down with any sickness!


Any ideas what this is? And where you will find them in the Hall?

Take a Guess .. and look out for them! :)

So get ready for an Awesome Night this coming Friday & Saturday in Glad Tidings

Join us for an Indescribable Christmas Night!!!

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